Room Rental in great location in Copenhagen Still Looking ROOM FOR RENT ( 7 months ) If you are looking for a room in the period of March untill 30th of September with great roomies and a perfect location you should read this post. I am planning to sublet my room in our apartment in the street of Amagerfælledvej. You will be living with Marek and Leonie. They are definitely the best people to share an apartment with and you can meet up with them in case you are interested in the place. The rent is 6500 DKK per month ( all included) with a deposit of 13,000 DKK which will be handed in with the first rent. The CPR will be registered. You have Rema downstairs, great access to alot of shops and you have 10 minutes walk to two metro stations. Please write to me if you are interested in the place. PS: roommates are vegetarian and we prefer someone who is not an everryday meat eater??
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