Hi everyone! Me and my partner will be subletting our container-flat between the end of February and beginning of May. It's a two room flat, around 32m², fully furnished. The flat is located close to Reffen, in a vibrant neighbourhood, which is mostly inhabited by students. Most important facts: - only for students, - it's perfect for one or two persons, - 20 second away from the seaside and a view over Central Copenhagen, - within the reach of 10min by bike: Nyhavn, Opera, gym, Netto, - nearby bus 2A (direction Københavns Hovedbanegård) and a ferry (direction Orientskaj and Teglholmen), - amazing bakeries nearby: Hart and Lille Bakery, Reffen Street Market, Contemporary Copenhagen, - comes together with a bike, - flexible moving in/out days Price for a month is 9000dkk including all utilities and it will be adjusted depending on the lenght of your stay. It is a perfect place for young people who want to have an experience of living in a sustainable container housing. If you are looking for a short-term stay and would like to get more information, feel free to message me. My
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