Margretheholmsvej, København
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6000 kr.
18000 kr. lån
Ledig pr.

Roommate wanted 1 November

Roommate wanted to a room in a 4-room apartment on Margretheholmsvej in central Copenhagen K from 1 Nov 2024. You will be living with 3 others and a house rabbit. Common livingroom, kitchen and washroom. Rent 6000 incl water and heat. Electricity and wifi will be shared between all. Apartment is on the 6th floor with a stunning view over Copenhagen. We are near to Nyhavn, Christianshavn, Amagerbro and Reffen. The room is without furniture. About us: Nadia: 22 years and girlfriend to Daniel. I am studying and love to cuddle with Thea in my sparetime. Daniel: 25 years and boyfriend to Nadia. I´m a truck mechanic and love having a beer while gaming in my sparetime. Nicolai : 25 years. I am a chef from Italy. Thea: The apartments bunny who lives in the livingroom. I love snacks and patting. I will be with you in the livingroom if you are and could sneak into your room at night if your door is open. I am clean and have our own toilet beside my room :D Requirement for you: BIG animal heart because of Thea (Nadia and Daniel will take care of Thea and Kurt). You are a non smoker. Please send a message to me and I will make contact with the tenants for a meeting. Please add a bit of information about yourself. They all are looking forward to hearing from you

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