We are looking for a third roommate for the shown apartment starting July 1st. About the place: - Located near Nyhavn - 111m2 - Living room, kitchen and a big bathroom IMPORTANT: The bedroom for the shown price would have around 18m2. We still need to discuss how to divide the rooms, maybe everybody is paying the equal monthly amount but then your room would be the 10m2 one but for 6900DKK. I will bring the furniture of the living room from my apartment in Munich:) About you: We are looking for male roommates under 30 who also enjoy outside activities such as biking just wanna hit the gym or check out some nice bars and are connected with danish people in the city. Budget should be around 6900DKK for the small room and 8500DKK for the big room or 7500 if we devide through three (tbd.) The deposit is probably gonna be around 30.000DKK (2 month pre rent and 2 month deposit devided equally through all of us). About me: I am 28 years old, starting a new consulting job in August. In my spare time I spend a lot of time outside, with friends or on photography. I have lived out for several years with a roommate in Lisbon as well as in Munich and we became like brothers. I really appreciate cleanliness and we should have the same interior style. Of course I like to hang out together but also respect closed door if we need to. Looking forward hearing from you!:)
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